Surfaces - Exterior Building Side-walks ,Vaults, Landscape

The advantages of using E-poxy for exterior pavements especially
over building vaults and structurally supported areas is unsurpassed
by any other materials. The fact that E-poxy polymer is uneffected
bysalt/chlorides, naturally being a waterproofing barrier,
protects reinforced steel bars from corrosion, offers the
highest compressive strength (12,000 psi, enabling structural
design of thinner slab than any other cementatious materials),
maintains uniform colors under UV light, high esthetic looks,
none-skid surface, and virtually maintenance free (Chewing
Gum does not stick firm to E-poxy), no doubt makes the use
of E-poxy the ideal choice of material for building side walks
in the future. Durite had successfully completed numerous
prestigious projects in the past, esthetically unsurpassed
by any cementatious material and estheticaly looking like
the day it was constructed(natural high gloss and shine).